At Ash Sakula we are not shy about our progressive, often idealistic, user-focussed culture - but our excellent track record for creating profitable, sustainable, successful assets for our clients is rock solid.
As architects, our actions have consequences that go beyond the boundaries of our site. What is the value of our design decisions? How much do our buildings cost? How well do they work over time? How easily will they adapt to changing economic circumstances? How will they pay for themselves and what profit will they yield?
At Ash Sakula we are not shy about our progressive, user-focussed culture, but our excellent track record for creating profitable, sustainable assets for our clients is rock solid. We are not only designers of physical spaces, but service designers creating successful and profitable places in use. And, being intensely pragmatic and deeply imaginative, we have a reputation for doing a lot with a little, stretching budgets and making amazing places on a shoestring.
Rather than designing a purely architectural concept, this often involves devising a story about the value of a project, a story which is easily told in the short form of a sound bite or spun out into a tale that takes all night in the telling. It represents a ‘founder’s myth’ with economic sustainability at its heart - a return on investment that works both in the short and long term.
We develop visions which can be monetised; making sure investment mirrors the ambitions for a place, is embedded in the concept design, reflected in the details and driven through the whole costly construction phase to deliver places which make sense to everyone. Aligning investment with design in this way means more footfall, more dwell-time, more local spend and a developing recognition of an authentic - and profitable - place.
Our clients include local authorities, developers, housebuilders, arts organisations and charities.
Success stories:
Creating a convivial neighbourhood of streets and houses on a riverside site in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
A flexible, informal and profitable flagship store
A vibrant new quarter for Ashford town centre
26 new homes for the Clapton Park Estate in Hackney, east London
Studio workspace where artists and makers thrive in a former police station in Colchester.
Creatively injecting new life into an unloved building.
Opening a new chapter for Cardiff’s radical cultural hub.
Smart creative co-working regenerates the ex-industrial wastelands of Cardiff Bay.